our solutions

Cyber Health Check


What is a cyber health check

The Heed three-day Cyber Health Check combines on-site consultancy and audit, remote vulnerability assessments and an online staff survey to assess your cyber risk exposure and identify a practical route to minimize your risks. Receive a prioritized action plan for controlling your cyber risks in line with your risk appetite.

Have you identified all your cyber risks?

A truly robust cyber security regime is founded on a program of comprehensive cyber risk assessment to identify the gaps in an organization’s critical risk areas and to determine the right actions to close those gaps. If you are embarking on a cyber security improvement program, a cyber health check will help you identify your weakest security areas and take appropriate measures to mitigate your risks.

Identify measures to reduce your cyber risk

Our independent, high-level, three-day Cyber Health Check combines on-site consultancy and audit, remote vulnerability assessments and an online staff survey to identify your current cyber risks in the three key exposure areas of people, processes and technology.

This health check will provide you with a concise report describing your current cyber risk status and critical exposures, and will draw on best practice, such as ISO 27001 and Cyber Essentials, to provide recommendations for reducing your cyber and compliance risk. The report provides feedback in the following four areas:

  • Basic cyber hygiene
  • NIST Cyber governance framework
  • Policies, procedures and technical controls
  • Continuity, recovery and resilience
service description

What's included in our cyber health check

  • router-1807_67aa302b-3a94-46a7-aa3d-66b8928a87d7

    Onsite Consultancy

    Onsite interviews with key managers the gain insight into business operational needs

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    Onsite security and network assessments to determine network resilience and fortitude 

  • computer-network-1878_39828809-88f9-48e1-9a76-61c99401ec99


    External network  penetration and vulnerability scans to determine accessible breach points in your networks

  • settings-server-1872_2e41baf2-8789-4215-b430-db35c3899936


    Staff awareness questionnaires to determine current cyber acumen towards cyber threats

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    High-level analysis and expert recommendations for next steps to strengthen your cyber position that aligns with your business goals.

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    Once completed you will have a snapshot of your technology and cyber inventory

I need to discuss our cyber posture

Click the button to schedule a call at a time that works for you and your schedule.


Our services provide a unique range of benefits

  • Reduced Risk

    Staying proactive with the evolving cyber threats will give your organization an advantage and minimize the impact of an inevitable cyber attack

  • Detection & Response

    When a security breach or cyber attack occurs, an immediate response is required. The longer it takes to address the threat, the more damage may be done.

  • Cyber Resilience

    Having an incident response plan, focusing on the priority of risks you’ve previously identified, is what you need to know what you need to do when a threat is detected—and who needs to do it.

  • Protect Profits

    Ransomware, phishing attacks, and threats of service interruption impact profits more than most know, till it’s too late.

  • Competitive Advantage

    Informing your clients and vendors of your cyber security efforts increase brand confidence and ultimately market share, equaling greater profits!.

Stop hoping and praying your IT strategy has evolved with today’s cyber threats. Let’s talk today 

Your Cyber Security posture refers to the strength of your overall cyber security defense. Cyber security threats are ever increasing, and cyber attacks are considered the third greatest global threat.